Football banner templates for big printing sizes (4'x8' and 4'x6', horizontal and vertical).
Arc4Studio introduced a new series of layouts as multilayered custom Photoshop templates for Football banners and posters
Product description:
- 1 - horizontal 4'x8' PSD banner (96x48 inches at 100 dpi)
- 1 - vertical 4'x8' PSD banner (48x96 inches at 100 dpi)
- 1 - horizontal 4'x6' PSD banner (72x48 inches at 100 dpi)
- 1 - vertical 4'x6' PSD banner (48x72 inches at 100 dpi)
- Adobe© Photoshop© CS, CC or Elements compatible
- multi layered PSD files (background, lights, text) on separated layers
- font used available here

What is customizable?
- overall color - simply use the Hue/Saturation controls (ctrl+U) for the layer named "Color"
- editable text - separated layer
- the lights on top are independent and they could be moved, colored, resized, etc.
* note: the sport sign/symbol is embedded into the background. Looking for more flexibility? Please consider our generic banner templates for
indoor and
outdoor sports.
The images used to illustrate the templates are not included in this product. All the terms and conditions are respected and applied.