Arena sports big banner backgrounds (4'x8' and 4'x6') templates for any indoor sport activities (Basketball, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Dance, Cheerleading, Wrestling, etc).
Product description:
- 1 - horizontal 4'x8' PSD banner (96x48 inches at 100 dpi)
- 1 - vertical 4'x8' PSD banner (48x96 inches at 100 dpi)
- 1 - horizontal 4'x6' PSD banner (72x48 inches at 100 dpi)
- 1 - vertical 4'x6' PSD banner (48x72 inches at 100 dpi)
- resizable at 2'x4', 3'x6' or 3'x4.5'
- Adobe© Photoshop© CS, CC or Elements compatible
- multi layered PSD files (background, lights, text) on separated layers
- font used available here

What is customizable?

- overall color - simply use the Hue/Saturation controls (ctrl+U) for the layer named "Color"
- editable title text
- the floor letter is also a text layer and is editable
- the lights on top are independent and they could be moved, colored, resized, etc.
- the smoke/mist is o a separated layer
The images used to illustrate the templates are not included in this product. All the terms and conditions are respected and applied.