Where is my order?
How do I receive my order?
All the arc4Studio products are downloadable items and there is no shipping involved or any other physical products as CD or DVD.
Once the PayPal payment is confirmed, you'll be automatically returned to the checkout page and the “DOWNLOAD” button(s) are active and ready to use.
Please choose the "Save" option instead of "Open". After the download process is done and the file is on your computer, unzip the archive.
The download link is active for the next 7 days after purchase and you can download the product 5 times during this period of time.
Your account at arc4Studio.com will keep a history of your orders and if you plan to download the product later of if you want to download it again, please login into your account and click VIEW button under MY PREVIOUS ORDERS page.
Step 1. - Log In to your account at arc4studio.com

Step 2. -Go to My Account : after log in, on the top bar menu you'll see the My Account button, click on it.

Step 3. - All your previous orders will be listed there. If you want to check one, please click on the View's button.

Step 4. - Click on the Downloads buttons to get your order. Some of the items have more than one download buttons and it's necessary to download each link once.

If your order time expires and for some reasons you haven't chance to get the templates, please let us know and we'll update the order status.
For any other questions, don't hesitate to contact us at: contact(at)arc4studio.com